Landfill Expansion Requiring Siting Restriction Studies, Hydrogeologic Investigation, and Landfill Design
Wetland Delineation, Cultural Investigation, Wildlife Evaluation, and Hydrogeologic Investigation Client: City of Columbia | Location: […]
Weaver Consultants Group (WCG) was retained to complete wetland delineations, habitat determinations, and floristic quality assessments in two distinct areas located on approximately 198 acres of land owned by a confidential landfill facility. WCG used the results of the wetland delineation to prepare two wetland mitigation, restoration, and monitoring plans to compensate for the anticipated loss of wetland and stream habitat. A wetland delineation report and the wetland mitigation plans were included as part of an individual permit package submitted to the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Rock Island District by WCG.
The mitigation areas consist of stream restoration, shallow marsh, emergent wetland, and wet meadow complexes surrounded by tallgrass prairie and forested buffers, totaling approximately 65 acres. To date, WCG and the confidential landfill facility have received the Corps permit for the planned landfill expansion and implemented the wetland mitigation plans. The wetland habitats, tallgrass prairie buffer, and forested buffer outlined in the Wetland Mitigation Plans have been created and vegetated with native trees and herbaceous vegetation. WCG is currently performing annual monitoring of the mitigation areas, including detailed tree and floristic quality assessments and transect studies for the constructed wetland and stream mitigation sites.