
Hazardous Waste Landfill Support Services

Design, Permitting, Construction, and Operation

Client: US Steel | Location: Northern Indiana 

Weaver Consultants has assisted United States Steel with design, permitting, construction, and operation of the Greenbelt II (GBII) hazardous waste landfill. GBII is an existing facility used to dispose of dewatered, stabilized F006 (metal finishing) sludge, as well as small amounts of nonhazardous, dewatered, lime-neutralized waste pickle liquor, and dewatered sewage sludge which are interspersed with the F006 waste stream prior to dewatering. 

Constituents of concern typically involve inorganics and heavy metals such as cyanide, lead, chromium (III and VI), and arsenic. The nonhazardous waste also includes various industrial solidified sludges generated at the Midwest Plant. This material is solidified using either lime kiln dust or fly ash whose chemical properties make it suitable for soil drying and solidification.

We have worked with the facility since 1990 (for the previous owner National Steel Corporation, and since 2003 for USS) toward the closure of the Eastside Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) located immediately north of the GBII landfill in addition to nine additional SWMUs on-site. A Weaver Consultants investigation indicated the Eastside SWMU contained approximately 215,000 cubic yards of steel fabrication related waste, sludge, and debris. Weaver Boos developed a unique in-place closure option to cost effectively manage the waste materials while maintaining protection of human health and the environment.

The in-place closure consisted of the relocation and consolidation of SWMU materials; confirmation sampling to evaluate the effectiveness of waste relocation and consolidation; installation of final cover system; and implementation of post closure monitoring. Both the GBII landfill and Eastside SWMU maintain a sophisticated groundwater monitoring network, which was designed and installed by Weaver Consultants, successfully operating within 1,500 feet of the Lake Michigan shoreline.