
Electrical Upgrade Project Oversight at Historic University Building

Asbestos Inspection, Project Design/Oversight, and Air Monitoring Services 

Client: University of Illinois | Location: Urbana, Illinois  

Weaver Consultants Group (WCG) was engaged by a major University to conduct an inspection of the designated work areas, completion of an environmental project design, and conducting project oversight including Air Monitoring services.  These services were in support of the environmental abatement activities taking place throughout the Electrical Upgrade project at a University warehouse facility. The inspection included a visual survey for asbestos-containing materials, lead-based paint, and hazardous materials within the proposed workspace. Quantities and samples of suspect asbestos-containing material and lead-based paint were collected.

A project design was generated to address hazardous materials during the abatement, remediation, and demolition process. The design included the project scope of work, detailed project specifications, and CAD drawings projecting barrier locations, worker decontamination facilities and negative air exhaust locations. WCG provided project oversight and air monitoring during the abatement activity. Project activities such as containment integrity, work methods utilized, worker PPE and abatement progress were noted in daily logs. Final clearance samples were collected following final cleaning.