
Odor Control Plan to Meet State EPA Approval

Odor Control Plan Requirements, Reporting, and Record Keeping

Client: Confidential Client | Location: Texas 

This project was completed to assist a local MSW Landfill in addressing odor complaints by nearby neighbors. After being contacted by the neighborhood residents, the State Environmental Agency required the landfill to prepare a plan to address the neighbors’ concerns. The Odor Control Plan was prepared to meet the approval of the State Environmental Agency and to provide guidance for facility personnel to address potential odor issues, the site with complying with the odor control plan requirements, reporting, and record keeping.  

The State EPA approved plan included odor monitoring devices, odor complaint and investigation protocol, record-keeping forms, a quality assurance plan, launching an odor complaint hotline/website, and the installation of 3 solar-powered, 24-hour fence line sulfur monitoring systems at the property boundary. As part of the project, WCG organized the training of landfill staff for the use of a field olfactometer (Nasal Ranger), which is used onsite and offsite to quantify the ambient odor strength in terms of “Dilution-to-Threshold” (D/T) ratios. The D/T approach utilizes a combination of carbon-filtrated air and unfiltered air passing through the instrument. The ratio of filtered to unfiltered air is determined by the selection dial of the standard ratios. 

The objective of the odor control project was to minimize potential off-site odors and establish a better relationship with the surrounding community.