
Combined Assessment and Evaluation of Wetlands and Forested Riparian Areas due to Landfill Expansion

Wetland Delineation, Mitigation and Monitoring, and Restoration

Client: Confidential Disposal Company | Location: Central Illinois

Weaver Consultants Group (WCG) completed an assessment and evaluation of wetlands and a forested riparian area on a 90-acre parcel that will be impacted due to an anticipated landfill expansion. WCG also completed a wetland delineation and floristic quality assessment within a second approximately 90-acre wooded riparian area associated with Salt Creek, which is rated Class A for Diversity and Class C for Integrity, according to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Biological Stream Rating System.

WCG also completed a preliminary floristic quality assessment within a high-quality remnant forested floodplain, oxbow lake, and high-quality remnant oak-hickory woodland located on the client’s property adjacent to Salt Creek. A future habitat assessment, comprehensive floristic quality study, wetland delineation, and preparation of a habitat enhancement/monitoring plan were also planned.